3 Part workshop series

The Art of Sacred Soul Art Business

Join us for a powerful training on crafting a Sacred Business that is a flourishing expression of your “Soul Art” - the deepest contribution & medicine that you have to offer to life that makes you jump out of bed every day excited to do your work.

Sacred Soul Art Business does not operate in the same paradigm as the mainstream world, and concepts that we associate with 3D business are done completely differently! If your soul is yearning to express in certain way and you know you are destined for the full freedom a visionary business can create for you, not to mention you have a GIANT calling to fulfil that business is clearly part of the vehicle for, this is for you.

Combining both practical and mystical, you'll walk away ignited into the next level unfolding of your sacred work as the song of your heart and the art of your soul, within a higher realm paradigm, while moving into right livelihood with what has been entrusted to you by the Divine.

Receive powerful activation into running your business within a new Divine Feminine reality and understand how very different it is to what you might have thought (and been taught!) is needed to thrive. We’ll explore the concepts of creating a long-term sustainable business structure, as well as the frequency that accompanies this level of life, and how to align with it.

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Here's what you'll experience:

If you’ve participated in a workshop with me before you’ll have an idea what to expect; if this is new for you, expect to experience a deeply nourishing, uplifting and catalytic space jam-packed with powerful and immediately actionable information that will shift you to the next level of full self-actualisation as a divine being in the flesh

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