Call recording

Restoring the Lost Goddess

The true divine feminine has not been seen on this planet for aeons of time, she is just beginning her emergence now.

Sacred Sister, if you know deep in your bones that a true level of depth beyond anything you've prior lived in this lifetime's embodiment is beckoning, and her call is getting so loud you can no longer deny it...

We invite you to receive the replay of our inaugural live event of The Rose Sanctuary in sacred sanctuary space to explore the uncovering of that which is awaiting full resurrection from beneath the oceans of time through your heart and body.

Hand in hand, we are turning the pages to the luminous future that beckons 🌹

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Here's what you'll experience:

If you’ve participated in a call with us before you’ll have an idea what to expect; if this is new for you, expect to experience a deeply nourishing, uplifting and catalytic space jam-packed with understanding that will shift you to the next level of full self-actualisation as a divine being in the flesh

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