2 Part workshop series

A vision-led Life

In this experiential workshop we go deeply into the journey of living a vision-led life, and using your vision as North Star to guide you towards the fulfilment of your soul purpose on the planet at this incredible time.

You'll understand the mechanics of what it takes to enable your vision to guide you beyond all obstacles (including challenging relationship dynamics, seeming limitations in the material world, and so much more), and how to truly surrender to the higher calling that is your unique covenant with life.

Be inspired to claim who you really are and throw yourself passionately into what you came here for with all your heart, as you take your place as a beacon of light for the world.

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Here's what you'll experience:

If you’ve participated in a workshop with me before you’ll have an idea what to expect; if this is new for you, expect to experience a deeply nourishing, uplifting and catalytic space jam-packed with powerful and immediately actionable information that will shift you to the next level of full self-actualisation as a divine being in the flesh

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