

Stripping away the small human self, to reveal the true Divine Identity

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Luminous One,

Belvaspata really takes you on the journey of shedding the small human self that you thought you were, and embodying your Divine identity as an ancient being far predating civilisation as we know it.

This is a BIG deal.

And because of this, it can be a slow burner…

Depending on the level of receptivity and willingness to release all that you think you know, it can sometimes take years of practice for the full impact to really sink in (though immediate healing & relief obviously happens as well).

This is because it strips back the illusions of the human paradigm and big cosmic matrices, layer by layer by layer, never ever through force, but at a comfortable pace that allows for a journey of grace (it is a modality of grace).

The blessings are never enforced, only offered, and it's up to us to receive when ready.

If approached from the standpoint of thinking it can really be fully known and understood and especially trying to compare it to any other system from inside the matrix, it defies the point and the full benefit is missed.

Oftentimes, the belief systems of the mind are very very strong and will cling on to old paradigms for dear life, directly blocking the miraculous capacity for self-liberation from aeons-old cosmic stories… and that is why we offer so much as accompanying support to break through and break down all of these additional levels of subtle imprisonment, as I truly belief that a holistic approach is necessary to get the very most out of what these incomparable tools can offer.

When you join our training community, you will not only be receiving the training in this actual modality, but so much expanded knowledge that you will not find in any other place, and well as being held in a powerful entrainment field to shift you on levels far beyond what meets the eye.

And on top of this, you’ll be part of our actively growing community of Lightbearers for life, where you can check in and receive support for the entire next 10 years if you want to (worth more than the entire value of what you pay to receive the training).

My focus with this work over the next year is to massively build out this community and create layer upon layer of expanded resource that ALL those who are present with us will automatically have access to, building upon itself way into the future.

Our members will also be receiving exclusive discounts to upcoming events and offers.

When you come to journey with us, we take care of you. That you can be sure of 😊

Our special is running for the entire month of November, and you can find it here 💖

Click here to explore the November special

Current/upcoming events & offerings:
🌟 The whole month of November in Liberated Light Leaders (free!) is focused on getting your sacred work out into the world
🌟 Our Belvaspata training special is back for the whole month of November!
🌟 Our next Visionary Spirit workshop is tomorrow
🌟 Our next Bringers of Hope call is on Wednesday

Mystic, Seer, Visionary Leadership Mentor - Divine Covenant / Mission Mentor for Advanced Light Beings & Visionaries

All free resources

Visionary Spirit - year-long group mentorship for rising visionary leaders

Bringers of Hope - monthly membership community for entrainment to a higher life of joyous co-creative soul fulfilment

For more resources not found anywhere else, come join me on Instagram

This and every other email I write is loving crafted by me personally. I hope you love it, but if you don’t you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the button below.


Mystic | Seer | Visionary Leadership Mentor

Thank you so much for tuning into this feed! My intention is that my writing offerings serve you as deeply as I enjoy creating them. These offerings from my heart are in support of the rising New Earth Leaders to whom my work is dedicated, to assist them with fulfilling the Sacred Covenant they made with the Source of Life to deliver life on Earth to a higher order.

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