

The organising structure of a matrix

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Luminous One,

A matrix is an organising infrastructure that holds the parameters of a specific reality in place.

There is a tremendous misunderstanding about the concept of “matrix” among lightbearers.

First of all, “the matrix” is considered to be the societal systems of imprisonment such as banking, economics, education, media etc, whereas what it actually refers to is the large matrix of duality/separation - which is a very huge metaphysical principle.

“Leaving the matrix” from this angle involves a whole lot more than just going off and living in the woods and living on leaves eschewing money 😉

Secondly, we actually need some form of matrix for physical life to continue to exist…

Without a matrix, creation would collapse, because it’s what holds everything together.

What we’re wanting to leave is the ARTIFICIAL matrices (this includes the large matrix of duality, the inversions, phantom realities, etc)...

And re-establish in the original organic infrastructure that is the blueprint of the Divine Mother's intention for life - true reality - which is held in place by, you guessed, a matrix 😊

The “real” matrix if you will…

We can look at this like a crystalline holographic network of sorts that holds the pure codes/tones & etheric templates from which pristine and immaculate higher realities of purity are formed, and that flows the pure & pristine light and tonality of the Mother through it without obstruction, reaching every lifeform and ensuring that creation develops along the pathways of Infinite intent in the highest way.

The best way to think of how the true matrix is supposed to work is to think of how flowers are formed:

A flower, before it becomes its magnificent and multi-dimensionally magical material form, is first formed in the ethers from an etheric blueprint that is held by the organic matrix that governs the unfolding of nature and all of the creatures who support her.

This blueprint is the "template" of what the flower will look like, smell like, it's medicine, the specific nature spirits, devas and hidden realm beings who will support is growth, its exact place in the ecosystem and so much more.

Without this blueprint, there would be no "instruction" for the way in which something physical should form, and thus no flower would happen.

So you see, creation needs a blueprint, and it needs something that holds the blueprint - and we can this thing a matrix.

The question is around WHAT matrix, what kind of matrix is being lived from.

Our goal is to leave the artificial/false, and return to the pristine natural infrastructure of organic reality that is governed by the Mother herself.

And from there, Heaven on Earth will be born 😊💖

Current/upcoming events & offerings:
🌟 The whole month of November in Liberated Light Leaders (free!) is focused on getting your sacred work out into the world
🌟 Our Belvaspata training special is back for the whole month of November!
🌟 Our next Bringers of Hope call is next week

Mystic, Seer, Visionary Leadership Mentor - Divine Covenant / Mission Mentor for Advanced Light Beings & Visionaries

All free resources

Visionary Spirit - year-long group mentorship for rising visionary leaders

Bringers of Hope - monthly membership community for entrainment to a higher life of joyous co-creative soul fulfilment

For more resources not found anywhere else, come join me on Instagram

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Mystic | Seer | Visionary Leadership Mentor

Thank you so much for tuning into this feed! My intention is that my writing offerings serve you as deeply as I enjoy creating them. These offerings from my heart are in support of the rising New Earth Leaders to whom my work is dedicated, to assist them with fulfilling the Sacred Covenant they made with the Source of Life to deliver life on Earth to a higher order.

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